City of Des Moines Parks and Recreation Department

2024 Earth Day Trash Bash

April 20th - May 4th, 2024
Various Locations Throughout the Metro

Earth Day Trash Bash has expanded over the years and offers a diversity of ways to learn about Earth Day and volunteer across the Metro and Central Iowa during Earth Week April 20-27 (*NOTE: Due to weather last week, the event has been extended through May 4).  Volunteer opportunities help us "green" up and cleanup our community each spring across a wide range of dates and for both individuals and groups. 

Earth Day Trash Bash, Iowa's largest Earth Day volunteer event, is a collaboration between the Cities & citizens of Des Moines, Clive, Johnston, Norwalk, Pleasant Hill, West Des Moines, Boone County Conservation, Polk County Conservation, Des Moines Water Works, Iowa Natural Heritage Foundation, and Trees Forever.

We want to make this as easy as possible for you to grab your "team" or sign-up alone. We will help you plan ahead, protect yourself and provide you opportunities to give back to continue making the Metro a great place to live, work and play in! 

Hurry fast as spots will fill up quickly and are on a first-come/first-served basis. *Please note the spots will only be held until 2 weeks prior to the event. If your team does not complete their registration process, the spots will be opened for other volunteers to fill them. 

HAVE A GROUP? If you are wanting to select/hold spots for a confirmed group of volunteers, email us at We can send you a password-protected group sign-up so each individual can sign the online waiver/registration form for your group. Each person will receive their own confirmation. 

*NOTE: Locations that are FULL may not show. Only volunteer opportunities, with remaining openings, will show in the options below. 

There are no shifts available at this time.